Welcome to CalPaleo!

Cal Paleo was started in the 1960s by the late Dr. Bill Berry of UC Berkeley to promote interaction within the paleontological community of the University of California system. Over the years this event has expanded to include all California-based research institutions. Cal Paleo highlights all facets of paleontology, as well as drawing participants from a wide range of closely associated disciplines, such as biology, geochemistry, environmental sciences, climate sciences and statistics. As a conference run by students for students, the focus of Cal Paleo is on student research and professional development. Cal Paleo provides an ideal venue for students to showcase their research, gain feedback from leading California paleontologists and network with both their paleontological peers and future advisors and employers.
Student participation is highly encouraged! Graduate students may give either oral or poster presentations; undergraduates may give poster presentations. Please submit an abstract to calpaleo1@gmail.com, using the downloadable abstract template form, by March 1st. Faculty and post-doc attendance is also most welcome. Registration is free; please use the interactive registration page. The registration deadline is March 31st.
We hope very much to see you all at UC Riverside in celebration of this California paleontological tradition on Saturday, April 14th, 2012!